1988年8月4日,察猜(Chatichai Choonhavan)上臺以后,嘗試改變泰國對印支國家的外交政策,提出著名的“察猜主義”(Chatichai Doctrine),主張經貿為主的外交政策:“business of diplomacy is business”。(31)之后就任總理的川立沛(Chuan Leekpai)政府亦主張,“泰國是印支的金融門戶,并扮演印支半島與世界之間的橋梁角色”。(32)泰國印支政策的基本主軸,已明確地從安全考量轉向貿易及投資。(33)同一時期,由于喪失蘇聯的支持,越南對內面臨社會經濟危機,對外遭遇外交孤立與經濟制裁。內、外困境迫使越南共產黨的領袖,進行一場世界觀的轉型革命;(34)他們意識到必須仰賴外交關系來保持其國家安全;越南對外政策的目標,就著重在提倡國家的經濟發展。為此,越南必須與大多數的國家建立友好關系與經濟連結。此即越南外交政策上的新思維:避免依賴單一特定國家的經、軍援助;不管意識形態,盡可能培養朋友,但避免被任何經濟強權所支配;經由外交手段提升越南的安全。(35)在此情形下,河內當局推動一場全面性的改革開放政策(Doi Moi)。
隨著泰、越兩國世界觀的轉型,連帶改善兩國的外交關系。在20世紀90年代期間,泰、越兩國黨政高層有多次互訪及協定簽署。2013年6月25日至27日,越共總書記阮富仲(Nguy?n Phú Tr?ng)訪問泰國,雙方更是正式建立戰略伙伴關系。正如泰越友好協會主席巴蜀猜耶山表示,泰、越關系正處于最良好的發展階段,安全、國防、文化、教育等領域的合作關系,都得到擴大和發展。其中,越、泰合作關系,更是有助于促進雙邊貿易和投資關系。2013年,泰、越雙邊貿易額已經超過100億美元(參見下頁表)。泰國對越南投資項目則有315個,投資總額達64億美元。目前,泰國更是越南的十大投資來源國之一。(36)此外,泰、越兩國的民間社會互動也相當熱絡。其中,泰國人民到越南旅游,成為他們改變對越南觀感的重要途徑;而泰國旅游書籍對越南的描寫,就是態度變遷的最佳例證。過去,戰爭是影響泰國人對越南態度的主要因素,現在,許多旅游書籍都將越南描述為富含歷史文化、經濟開放的國家。顯然,越南已經從冷戰時期影響泰國國家安全與領土完整的主要“敵人”,變成后冷戰時期泰國尋求共同合作發展的“朋友”。
因此,泰國內政部在2005年12月決定,重新開始自2003年10月就已經中斷的授予泰國越南人法律地位的程序。這對泰國的越南人是相當重要的,代表泰國越南人享有和泰國人同樣的政治、經濟、教育等各方面的權利;同時,提供泰國越南人同化到泰國社會的一種管道。首先,就經濟面向而言,泰國政府一向禁止非泰國人擁有土地,及控制任何商業上的利益;如今公民身份的取得,不僅有助于工作的選擇,更意味著掌握財產與經濟資本的權利。其次,就政治面向而言,公民身份的取得,就等于取得參與政治的權利,包括投票、國家層次與地方層次的競選活動等,甚至因此進入泰國的政治圈。最后,就文化面向而言,法律地位的取得提升越南人正當性的權利,有助于越南文化被泰國社會承認及尊重。例如,胡志明紀念館(H? Chí Minh Memorial House)及泰、越友誼村(Thai-Vietnamese Friendship Village)的順利建立,證明泰國社會對越南人及越南文化的接受。過去在泰國族主義的教條下,胡志明的住所及泰國越南人都代表一種非泰(non-Thai)意涵,造成泰國越南人對胡志明的崇拜,遭遇當地泰國社會以國族主義之名而進行批判。(39)
同樣地,越南政府對于旅居海外的越南人的態度亦有所轉變,認為海外越南人對于國家發展具有重要性,鼓勵他們參與國家建設與發展越南的對外關系;越南政府不僅設置海外越南人的工作組織與結構,例如外交部轄下的海外越南人國家委員會,負責與海外越南人相關的各項事宜。關于國籍方面,越南正考慮修訂國籍法及指導文件,允許海外越南人在具有他國之國籍時,也能保留越南國籍。對于海外越南人的法律地位,越南政府則通過各項國際條約、法律互助協定等方式,為海外越南人在法律地位上創造有利的條件。2007年7月25日,越南總理就簽署建立海外越南人公民與實體保護的決議(Decision to Establish the Citizen and Entity Protection for Oversea Vietnamese)。(42)
①旅居海外的越南人稱為Ng??i Vi?t H?i Ngo?i(海外越人)或Vi?t Ki?u(越僑),亦即Overseas Vietnam。基本上,泰國的越僑可以粗略分為“舊越僑”(Old Vi?t Ki?u, or Vi?t Ki?u Cu, Vi?t Cu)及“新越僑”(New Vi?t Ki?u, or Vi?t Ki?u Moi, Vi?t Moi)兩類。所謂“舊越僑”是指第二次世界大戰以前抵達泰國的越南人,因其移入泰國時間較長,久受泰國文化影響,實際上已經被同化,與泰人差別不大;相對地,“新越僑”則是指第二次世界大戰以后抵達泰國的越南人,也就是泰國內政部所稱的“越南難民”(Vietnamese Refugees)或“新越南人”(Yuan Mai),大多集中在東北部的伊森地區。
②⑥"Ngh? quy?t s? 36/NQ-TW ngày 26/3/2004 c?a B? Chính tr? v? công tác ??i v?i ng??i Vi?t Nam ? n??c ngoài," T?p chí Quê H??ng trên Internet, April 2, 2004. Retrieved from http://quehuongonline.vn/VietNam/Home/Van-ban-phap-luat/2004/04/1814A7D0/.
③根據Louis-Jacqes Dorais在2001年發表的文獻指出,旅居美國的越南人約占總數的55%,旅居法國者約有40萬人,約占15%,旅居中國者約有30萬人,約占11%,旅居澳洲及加拿大者約各有20萬人,約各占7%。Louis-Jacqes Dorais, "Defining the Overseas Vietnamese," Diaspora, Vol. 10, No. 1 (2001), p. 3.
⑤在有限的研究文獻里,又以Peter A. Poole與Christopher E. Goscha的研究著作最為重要。簡單地說,Poole不僅從歷史的角度說明越南人移入泰國的歷史過程及其數量、分布地區、地位等,同時,也探討泰國對外關系中的越南難民問題,包括就難民遣返議題與南、北越政府的談判過程與結果。同樣地,Goscha除論及越南人移入泰國的歷史過程以外,更深入研究泰國在越南歷次革命行動中所扮演的重要角色。然而,兩位學者的共同之處則是研究時間僅止于20世紀70年代以前。自20世紀80年代起,隨著國際環境與東南亞區域局勢的變遷,旅泰越南人的地位也產生轉變,不過,現有的相關研究文獻則僅有Thanyathip Sripana的論著而已。Christopher E. Goscha, Thailand and the Southeast Asian Networks of the Vietnamese Revolution, 1885-1954, Richmond: Curzon Press, 1999; Peter A. Poole, "Thailand's Vietnamese Minority," Asian Survey, Vol. 7, No. 12 (December 1967), pp. 886-895; Peter A. Poole, "Thailand's Vietnamese Refugees: Can They Be Assimilated?," Pacific Affairs, Vol. 40, No. 3/4 (Autumn 1967-Winter 1967-1968), pp. 324-332; Peter A. Poole, "The Vietnamese in Cambodia and Thailand: The Role in Interstate Relation," Asian Survey, Vol. 14, No. 4 (April 1974), pp. 325-337;
⑦Benedict Anderson, Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism, London: Verso, 1983; Eric J. Hobsbawm, "Introduction: Inventing Traditions," in Eric J. Hobsbawm and Terence O. Ranger (eds.), The Invention of Tradition, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992, pp. 1-14.
⑧?Thongchai Winichakul, Siam Mapped: A History of the Geo-Body of a Nation, Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1994, pp. 3-5.
⑨Walker Connor, "A Nation Is a Nation, Is a State, Is an Ethnic Group, Is a …," Ethnic and Racial Studies, Vol. 1, No. 4 (1978), pp. 377-400.
⑩Clifford Geertz, "The Integrative Revolution: Primordial Sentiments and Civil Politics in the New States," in Clifford Geertz (ed.), Old Societies and New States: The Quest for Modernity in Asia and Africa, New York: Free Press, 1963, pp. 105-157.
?此即Anthony D. Smith所謂的“族裔國族主義”(ethnic nationalism)。 Anthony D. Smith, National Identity, Reno: University of Nevada Press, 1991, p. 43.
???Anna Triandafyllidou, "National Identity and the 'Other'," Ethnic and Racial Studies, Vol. 21, No. 4 (1998), pp. 596-603, p. 603.
?Likhit Dhiravegin, "Nationalism and the State in Thailand," in Thai Politics: Selected Aspects of Development and Change, Bangkok: Tri-Sciences Publishing House, 1985, p. 400.
(17)(18)Rogers Brubaker, "National Minorities, Nationalizing States, and External National Homelands in the New Europe: Notes toward a Relational Analysis," paper prepared for the American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Miami, August 17, 1993; Rogers Brubaker, "National Minorities, Nationalizing States, and External National Homelands in the New Europe," Daedalus, Vol. 124, No. 2 (Spring 1995), pp. 107-132; Rogers Brubaker, "National Minorities, Nationalizing States, and External National Homelands in the New Europe," in Nationalism Reframed: Nationhood and the National Question in the New Europe, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996, pp. 55-78.
(19)(23)(26)E. Thadeus Flood, "The Vietnamese Refugees in Thailand: Minority Manipulation in Counterinsurgency," Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars, Vol. 9, No. 3 (July-September 1977), p. 37, p. 38, p. 38.
(20)1951年,泰國內政部公布一連串的法規,要求越南移民在移動到其他省份以前,必須獲得地方當局的允許。乃拋將軍擔任警察指揮官以后,越南移民再次被強制安置到8個東北邊境省份的區域,然后,未經曼谷當局的許可,限制移動到區域外;同時,地方當局也獲得全權委托,任何時候可以不經控告與審判而將其入獄。同年,越南難民登記中心(Registration Center of Yuon Oppayop)或越南難民辦公室(office of Yuon Oppayop)也在警政局轄下成立,負責收集信息、檔案報告,起草關于越南人的相關法則與條例,以及追蹤其移動與活動概況。Peter A. Poole, The Vietnamese in Thailand: A Historical Perspective, pp. 46-47; E. Thadeus Flood, op. cit., p. 37; Thanyathip Sripana, "The Light at the End of Tunnel of the Viet Kieu in Thailand," p. 4.
(21)(24)Nicholas Grossman (ed.), Chronicle of Thailand: Headline News since 1946, Bangkok: Bangkok Post, 2009, p. 82, p. 109.
(22)Katherine A. Bowie, Rituals of National Loyal: An Anthropology of the State and the Village Scout Movement in Thailand, New York: Columbia University Press, 1997, pp. 62-63; Kanok Wongtrangan, Communist Revolutionary Process: A Study of the Communist Party of Thailand, Ph. D. Dissertation, The Johns Hopkins University, 1982, pp. 57-58.
(25)Donald F. Cooper, Thailand: Dictatorship or Democracy?, London: Minerva Press, 1995, p. 229.
(27)Nguyen Vu Tung, "Vietnam-Thailand Relations after the Cold War," in N. Ganesan and Ramses Amer (eds.), International Relations in Southeast Asia between Bilateralism and Multilateralism, Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2010, p. 73.
(28)Samak Sunthonwet甚至明確指出越南入侵泰國的三條路線:第一,經由北部山區,該處是泰、寮、緬邊境交會之處;第二,從寮國南部跨過湄公河抵達烏汶;第三,經由柬埔寨進入泰、柬邊境城市亞蘭(Arannya Prathet)。E. Thadeus Flood, op. cit., pp. 41-42.
(29)柬埔寨落入越南的勢力范圍以后,因越南無法完全鎮壓反抗武裝勢力,導致他們流入泰、柬邊境以為庇護所,并通過柬、泰邊境居民,取得物資補給以擴大勢力。泰國對柬埔寨武裝勢力的支持,成為越南入侵泰國之借口,所以,越南大舉陳兵于泰國邊境,借以對盤踞于柬、泰邊境的柬埔寨反抗軍發動軍事攻勢。這時期,泰國的安全威脅可分為幾個面向:第一,沿著泰、柬邊境的軍事緊張;第二,大量難民的流入;第三,柬埔寨成為越南威脅泰國的主要基地。Sukhumbhand Paribatra, "Strategic Implications of the Indochina Conflict: Thai Perspectives," Asian Affairs, Vol. 11, No. 3 (Fall 1984), pp. 28-46; Sarasin Viraphol, "Thailand's Perspectives on Its Rivalry with Security," in William S. Turley (ed.), Confrontation Or Coexistence: The Future of ASEAN-Vietnam Relations, Bangkok: Institute of Security and International Studies, Chulalongkorn University, 1985, p. 27.
(30)(37)Surin Maisrikrod, "The Peace Divided in Southeast Asia: The Political Economy of New Thai-Vietnamese Relations," Contemporary Southeast Asia, Vol. 16, No. 1 (June 1994), p. 47, p. 50.
(31)察猜宣布:“與鄰國之間的關系,例如寮國及越南,必須改成市場并不是戰場,柬埔寨問題也是如此。我們需要柬埔寨和平,亦是為了增加邊界的貿易”;“政治是政治,貿易是貿易,兩者不能混為一談;任何人都應該可以與其想要的對象進行貿易”。Bangkok Post, September 9, 1988; Khatharya Um, "Thailand and the Dynamics of Economic and Security Complex in Mainland Southeast Asia," Contemporary Southeast Asia, Vol. 13, No. 3 (December 1991), p. 246.
(32)Business Times (Singapore), April 15, 1993.
(33)Khatharya Um, op. cit., pp. 245-270; Marc Innes-Brown and Mark J. Valencia, "Thailand Resource Diplomacy in Indochina and Myanmar," Contemporary Southeast Asia, Vol. 14, No. 4 (March 1993), pp. 332-351.
(34)Gareth Porter, "The Transformation of Vietnam's World-view: From Two Camps to Interdependence," Contemporary Southeast Asia, Vol. 12, No. 1 (June 1990), pp. 1-19.
(35)Mike Yeong, "New Thinking in Vietnamese Foreign Policy," Contemporary Southeast Asia, Vol. 14, No. 3 (December 1992), pp. 257-268; Nguyen Vu Tung, op. cit., pp. 74-79.
(38)Thanyathip Sripana, "The Light at the End of Tunnel of the Viet Kieu in Thailand," pp. 5-7.
(39)Nguyen Quoc Toan , "Ho Chi Minh Sites in Thailand: Their Significance and Potential Problems for Thai-Vietnamese Relations," Journal of Mekong Societies, Vol. 4, No. 1 (2008), pp. 77-96.
(41)Krishna Thongkaew, Somsak Srisontisuk and Viyouth Chamruspanth, "Viet Kieu Families and Pattern Social Mobility in Thai Society," paper presented in the 9th International Conference on Humanities & Social Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, KhonKaen University, Thailand, November 14-15, 2013.
(42)Nguyen Manh Cuong, "Policies for Overseas Vietnamese," paper presented at the Conference on International Migration, Development and Management of Data for Policy Development, Hanoi, Vietnam, June 1-2, 2011.
The Evolution of "National Community" with the Development of the Southeast Asia Situation
—Historical Analysis of the Situation of Vietnamese Immigrants in Thailand
Gu Changyong Xiao Wenxuan
Abstract: The Vietnamese immigrants who went to Thailand after World War II are not only new immigrants to Thailand, but also one of the many ethnic minorities in the country. The first problem they faced is about how the Thai society (political elites and the general public alike) would look at them, because this will affect what kind of policy the Thai government would adopt. They also had to face the changes in the way they look at Thai society. In understanding the Vietnamese immigrants, the Thai society is often influenced by how it views their motherland Vietnam. Therefore, to explore the situation of the Vietnamese immigrants in Thailand, only when we put them in the context of the Thai ethnic minority politics and international politics, such as Thai nationalism, border politics, and the Cold War system, we can truly grasp the changes in their situation.
Keywords: Thailand, Vietnamese immigrants, minority, national community, the other