① (日本)北原淳、西口清勝、藤田和子、米倉昭夫.《東南亞經濟》[M].劉曉民譯.廈門:廈門大學出版社,2004:76。
② 本節所說的貿易,僅指貨物貿易。
③④⑤⑥ U. S. Census Bureau. Foreign Commerce and Aid(the years of 1995—2008)[R/OL].(2008—3—17)[2008—4—2]. http: //www. census. gov/compendia/statab/cats/foreign_commerce_aid. html.
⑦ 陳奕平.《依賴與抗爭——冷戰后東盟國家對美國戰略》[M].北京:世界知識出版社,2006:233。
⑧ ASEAN Secretariat. ASEAN Statistical Yearbook 2006[R/OL]. http: //www. aseansec. org/13100. htm; External Trade Statistics-Table 20[R/OL]. http:// www. aseansec. org/18137. htm.
⑨ ASEAN Secretariat. ASEAN Statistical Yearbook 2004 [R],2004: 146—148; Foreign Direct Investment Statistics-Table 26[R/OL]. http: //www. aseansec. org/ 18144. htm.
⑩ U. S. Census Bureau. U. S. Trade in Goods(Imports, Exports and Balance)by Country[R/OL].(2008—3—5)[2008—4—2]. http://www. census. gov/foreign-trade/balance/.
(11) IMF. World Economic Outlook[R]. April 9, 2008. (PP2, 82)
(12) 本節所有數據引自Asian Development Bank. Asian Development: Outlook 2008[R].